What is my neighborhood school for this school year?
Click here to find your school for the 2024-25 school year
What is my neighborhood school for next school year?
Click here to find your school for the 2025-26 school year
Enrollment Information
Students who are currently enrolled in Sierra Sands are automatically re-enrolled for the next school year, every year even if they are advancing to a different school, for instance elementary to middle school. You do not need to fill out a new student enrollment each new school year.
If your child was enrolled but left Sierra Sands, and you intend to return, please complete a new student enrollment.
If your child is currently enrolled but has moved to a new school zone, you do not need to fill out a new student enrollment, simply contact the school in which your student is currently enrolled to provide proof of new address.
Click Here For Online Enrollment
What is required to enroll?
If enrolling online, you must upload pictures/scans of the required documents.
Proof of Birth (i.e. Official birth certificate, passport, military ID, hospital certificate, or affidavit of birth) (EDC 48002)
Proof of current residential address (i.e. Property tax payment receipt, rental property contract, lease, or payment receipt, mortgage statement, utility service contract, statement, or payment receipt, pay stub, voter registration, or correspondence from a government agency) (EDC 48204.1) SSUSD does NOT accept personal bills such as credit card statement or medical bills, IWV Water District bills, cable bills, cell phone bills, or P.O. Boxes as proof of residency.
An up-to-date immunization record (must be an official document from a doctor or previous school) Immunization Requirements (English) (HSC 120325)
Dental exam form completed by a dentist (for TK, Kindergarten, or First Grade entry, whichever is the first year of public school)
Enrollment form or Online Enrollment (You must upload pictures/scans of the required documents)
*You can enroll immediately even if you have uncertain housing, a temporary address, no permanent physical address, or are a foster youth.
What is my neighborhood school for this school year?
Click here to find your school for the 2024-25 school year
What is my neighborhood school for next school year?
Click here to find your school for the 2025-26 school year
To enroll in person, please contact your neighborhood school.
Faller Elementary School
1500 W. Upjohn Ave
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
(760) 499-1690
Gateway Elementary School
501 S. Gateway Blvd
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
(760) 499-1850
Inyokern Elementary School
6601 Locust Ave
Inyokern, CA 93527
(760) 499-1683
Las Flores Elementary School
720 W. Las Flores Ave
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
(760) 499-1860
Pierce Elementary School
674 N. Gold Canyon Street
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
(760) 499-1670
Richmond Elementary School
348 Rowe Street
Ridgecrest CA 93555
(760) 499-1840
James Monroe Middle School
340 W. Church Ave
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
(760) 499 -1830
Murray Middle School
200 E. Drummond Ave
Ridgecrest, CA 93555
(760) 499 -1820
Sherman E. Burroughs High School
500 E. French Ave
Ridgecrest, CA 94555
(760) 499 -1800
Alternative Education including Independent Study, Adult School, and Alternative High School are offered through:
Mesquite High School - 140 W. Drummond Ave, Ridgecrest CA 93555; (760) 499-1810
Enrollment Forms
Medical Information & Forms