State and Federal Education Programs

State and Federal Education Programs

Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA):

On December 10, 2015, President Obama signed the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA), reauthorizing the federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) and replacing the No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB), the 2001 re-authorization of ESEA.

Title I:

Title I, Part A (Title I) of the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965 (ESEA) supports reforms and innovations to improve educational opportunities for low achieving students. Title I is designed to provide all children significant opportunity to receive a fair, equitable, and high quality education, and to close educational achievement gaps. (ESEA section 1001). To this end, Title I helps State educational agencies (SEAs), local educational agencies (LEAs), and schools meet the educational needs of low-achieving students in schools with high concentrations of students from low-income families. 

A school operating a school wide program may use Title I funds for any activity that supports the needs of students in the school as identified through the comprehensive needs assessment and articulated in the school wide plan. (ESEA section 1114(b)). In designing and implementing the school wide plan, a school must implement strategies that: (1) provide opportunities for all children to meet challenging State academic standards; (2) use methods and instructional strategies that strengthen the academic program in the school, increase the amount and quality of learning time, and help provide an enriched and accelerated curriculum, which may include programs, activities, and courses necessary to provide a well-rounded education; and (3) address the needs of all students, but particularly those at risk of not meeting challenging State academic standards. (ESEA section 1114(b)(7)(A)). 

(Supporting School Reform by Leveraging Federal Funds in a School wide Program: Non-Regulatory Guidance September 2016) 

In Sierra Sands Unified School District, all elementary sites operate school wide Title I programs.

For more information regarding State and Federal Education Programs, contact Lisa Decker, Coordinator of Special Projects at 760-499-1640.

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