Bus Routes/Times

Bus Routes/Times

Attention All Parents of Students Riding the Bus for the 2024-2025 School Year  

1.  The attached posted times are the estimated departure time for pick up and arrival time for drop off.  Adjustment to route times may be made as needed throughout the school year and drivers will notify students of impending changes.  Inactive bus stops may be reinstated as needed.  Please feel free to call the Transportation Office at 760-499-1874 if you have any questions.   

2.  If we experience route delays, we will be using the Parent Square system to notify you. Please make sure the school site has your correct phone/cell phone/email address for proper notification. This means your student must ride the designated route in order for you to receive notification. 

3.  LATE START WEDNESDAYS:  All route times listed will be delayed by thirty (30) minutes on late start Wednesdays. For example: If your normal pick up time is 6:30 AM, your late start Wednesday pick up time will be 7:00 AM. All routes will be delayed by 30 minutes. No LATE START on the following dates. August 7, November 20 and December 18, 2024, March 5, and April 30 2025, no late start Wednesdays in May.   

4.  All students must have their temporary bus pass as soon as they begin riding the bus. As a courtesy to transitioning students, parents, and guardians, for the first 4 weeks of school bus drivers will not ask for passes and ID until September 10th, 2024
(except for secondary students riding to the Base bus stop or Base afterschool programs, US Navy requires Military ID or DoD Dependent ID to students 16 and older) then passes must be presented to drivers by students when boarding the bus both morning and afternoon on all bus routes. No exceptions. If your student forgets their bus pass at home they may be denied transportation. 

View or download the PDF of the bus route schedules on our district website or Facebook page.  
www.ssusd.org .  If you do not see a stop on the schedule near you, please contact the Transportation Office at 760-499-1874.

Download the PDF of Bus Routes

For Bus Stops starred out needing activation on the PDF and Times please contact the Transportation Office at 760-499-1874.

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