Why is the district engaging in the “Continuous Improvement Process”?
California’s new Accountability System is based on multiple measures. The measures are used to determine district and school progress toward meeting the needs of our students. The measures are based on factors that contribute to a quality education, including high school graduation rates, college/career readiness, student test scores, English Learner progress, suspension rates, and parent engagement. The new online tool, the California School Dashboard contains all of the data collected to measure the state and local indicators. For more information about the California School Dashboard, see www.caschooldashboard.org.
In the fall of 2017, the first California School Dashboard was released. Our district has been identified for “Differentiated Assistance” by the state due to achievement gaps in the student group, Students with Disabilities, in the CAASPP English Language Arts and Math tests and high suspension rates as compared with “All Students”. As a result, we have partnered with the Kern County Superintendent of Schools (KCSOS) in the Continuous Improvement Process (CIP). The purpose of the Continuous Improvement Process is to improve outcomes for all students and close performance gap(s).
We identified the biggest barrier or problem that has resulted in our student performance gaps. See graphic below:

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