Sierra Sands Distance Learning
Information and Resources
Welcome to the Distance Learning information and resources page developed to provide Sierra Sands parents and students with support. We recognize that this is a challenging time for us all and we want to strengthen our partnership with you to ensure our students’ success. This page will be updated regularly to provide the latest information available.
What is the Sierra Sands TK-12 Distance Learning model?
Teachers will provide high-quality educational opportunities to students through the Canvas Learning Management System (LMS). Please see more detailed information below on logging into Canvas.
What is the expectation for student learning?
Just as we welcome students onto our campuses and into our classrooms, we welcome them into the “virtual classrooms” through Canvas. Just as students are expected to enter through the physical door of a classroom, students and families should “enter” their classrooms through the Canvas platform and sign in. All Sierra Sands students should continue to engage in learning during school closures.
Technology/Internet Support
What if I need a learning device/Chromebook?
Contact your site administrator to request a Chromebook. See School Site Contact Information list. It is best to communicate with site principals by email during school closures.
What if I need internet?
Contact your site administrator to request internet support. See School Site Contact Information list. It is best to communicate with site principals by email during school closures.
What if I need help with my device or need technological support?
Email [email protected] with questions about technology or devices.
Canvas Platform
What is Canvas?
Canvas is a learning management system that supports online learning and teaching. It allows teachers to post grades, information, and assignments online. Canvas offers discussion boards for asynchronous discussions, chat rooms for live discussions, centralized email (Canvas Conversations), so you can stay in touch with your teacher and communicate with other students, and even a way to submit assignments and take exams. Canvas provides a password-protected online classroom to submit work and communicate with the teacher and classmates. Note that the teacher uses the tools provided by Canvas to create his or her own virtual classroom, so just as face-to-face courses vary significantly, so will online courses. Canvas provides the tools to support online learning in a variety of ways. This can range from structured learning pathways to dynamic, interactive virtual classrooms. How a course is presented online depends on the content and complexity of the learning material, and the delivery methodology used by the teacher.
Creating a Parent (Observer) Account
Navigating the Canvas Dashboard-English
Navigating the Canvas Dashboard-Spanish
Navigating the Canvas Classroom-English
Navigating the Canvas Classroom-Spanish
How does my student login to Canvas?
Canvas will integrate with your student’s SSUSD email account. If the student is using a district-provided Chromebook, they will sign into the Chromebook using their SSUSD email and the Ssusd number. Next, they will need to open Google Chrome and access the district CANVAS dashboard through the Google “WAFFLE” which is located in the top right corner of the screen. Then locate Canvas SSO on the menu.
If for some reason the waffle does not show up then go to the following website: This should automatically enter the student into the system and straight to their dashboard which contains their fall courses (secondary) or their classroom with their teacher (elementary).
If the student is using a personal computer/device, students will go to Google and sign in with their district Google account. Once they are in the account they will be able to access Canvas through the waffle.
What if I have a question about an assignment?
Contact your student’s teacher through email.
School Site Contact Information